Sunday, December 30, 2012

Online Women are Terrifying

So, I created a new blog in an attempt to find my friend Josh a woman (Date My Friend Josh if you are curious) after failed to match him up with anyone. Josh is one of my best friends and he deserves an amazing lady, but I am beginning to see why he is still single. While bored and browsing for potential Josh matches, I have come to the conclusion that women are absolutely terrifying. There are so many intense female personalities out there. I do not know how anyone can successfully find someone special in the chaos of cyberspace. Don't get me wrong, one of my best friends found her now fiance online, so I am aware that it is possible. However, I can see why decent men might be turned off by online dating.

As a woman, I did a few 48-hour stints on online dating websites and I always found it completely overwhelming and quit. So many creepy dudes sending inappropriate messages into my inbox and so few quality men. I guess I never realized how things looked from the man's prospective. That is until, well, I made a profile for a man to try to find him a woman. (Trust me, I realize how creepy that makes me sound...) I mean, some of these online women are freaking insane. So much cleavage... So much desperation.. So much bitterness. Come on ladies, we're better than that! (Ok.. do not read my past blogs... especially the one about my QLC.. since it just goes to show that I am not even better than that!)

I guess I am not even sure what the best way is to meet a decent person anymore. I mean, I met TC guy by chance, randomly at a bar. Before then, I had been to plenty of bars in search of a quality guy and always came up empty-handed. I have so many single, amazing friends out there who are all just waiting to find their person. I wish there were a better answer to offer them other than "just be patient", but unfortunately I think that that truly is the best way to find someone. I like to think that every pot has a lid.. but I suppose it just takes some people a bit longer to find a lid that's a perfect fit. And even when you do find a lid that fits, who knows how long it will stay a solid fit. And now, I am getting sentimental about pots and lids, which is typically a good indication that I should go to bed. Good luck single people out there... and ladies, if you're in the Indianapolis area, you should give my friend Josh a try! He's quite a catch!

Apparently, they could not find anyone awesome enough for Josh... Lame. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

My Life in Montana and Good Riddance to 2012

Well, it's December. Life is still rolling along and I am still sitting in Montana, isolated from socialization, and counting down the days until my contract is up. (41.) I have enjoyed this new experience, but I can safely say that I never want to live in Montana again. I am sure it is a lovely place for most, but I am a warm-weather girl and also a lover of larger cities. But hey, I can now say I have experienced living out west and can check "go to a rodeo" off of my "to do" list. So there's that. My job is ok and the people are nice, but this place really makes me miss my old hospital. I miss the high acuity, the largeness of it, and being well-known and trusted. It sucks to come into a new place and automatically be judged and treated like you're a novice because you look like you're 12. Don't get me wrong, I am still a newer nurse and do have a lot to learn, but I miss being the person people went to for help and I miss knowing where to go for things and how things are done. But that's travel nursing, I suppose.

Aside from that, my life out here is very similar to that of an 80-year-old widowed woman. I go to bed early, only leave my place for groceries, eat at Cracker Barrel alone, and spend my down time sewing everything from stockings to place mats as gifts for other people. There are not many people my age around here and everything "to do" is about a 2-3 hour drive away. I am an adventurous person, but I also have no desire to drive 3 hours to go skiing alone. (Or to go skiing at all, really. Not a snow person.) So here I sit in complete solitude, with only my fish, Bubby, for company. This has become my life lately.

I still cannot believe that it has been almost a year since I started this blog. 2012 sucked. I am so sorry you had to suffer through my ramblings about this year. I am hoping 2013 will be much better in all aspects of my life. I have no shame in saying that, for the majority of 2012, I was probably on the brink of psychosis. I oogled over men who wanted nothing to do with me, treated those who did poorly, got myself into awful situations, and even became the center of nasty rumors started by a middle-aged hussy who had nothing better to do with her time. I spent my whole summer studying for a program that I did not get into (currently planning to apply to more places), did not get a raise because I left my computer open (dumb.), and throughout it all, still worked my ass off for very little pay-off. (Insert the world's smallest violin here.) But I suppose that is all behind me now. I have had nearly 2 months of pure isolation to wind down, ponder my life choices, and re-evaluate my plans for myself. My conclusion? I have no plan. I have no idea what I am doing or what I should be doing. I am basically flying by the seat of my pants and not having a solid plan makes me extremely uncomfortable. That being said, I am trying to use this as an opportunity to let go and let the universe take me where I am supposed to go. This is very hard for me, but I am willing to give it a shot. When it comes down to it, I really have nothing to lose. If I decide that moving home is not the right choice for me, then I either continue travel nursing or move to Florida. That's it. No need to get all anxious over a decision that is not permanent.

Although 2012 wasn't exactly what I had expected, I did accomplish one thing: I got quite a bit of traveling in. I went to Florida, Scotland, Arizona, and Montana this year. AND I got into the Maxim party for free at the Superbowl. Not too shabby. Many people cannot say that they succeeded in their New Year's Resolution, but I did. And I am very proud of that. I still have the itch to travel, and am hoping to continue my travel streak in 2013. (I may even have a special travel companion with whom to share my adventures if things continue to go well with TC guy.) Lastly, I believe my QLC (see Quarter-Life Crisis ) is finally coming to an end and that in itself is a beautiful thing. Even amidst all of the chaos, I think I will be starting out 2013 on a better foot. I may not have it all together yet, but at least I am in a better place to handle anything that may come my way. Bring it on 2013. You have very big shoes to fill if you have any intention of even comparing to 2012 in the battle of "Dani's worst year ever".

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Save the Slow Loris

I am a very emotional person when it comes to wildlife and especially so when it comes to animal cruelty and illegal pet trading. While eating a snack of green beans, I turned on Animal Planet to find the saddest little loris eyes staring back at me. I only caught the tail end of the episode on slow lorises, but watching that was enough to have me almost in tears.

I often take for granted how good we have in the United States and how, although not always properly run, for the most part our government does a great job of enforcing what is right and wrong. This is not the case in many countries and unfortunately animals greatly suffer due to the lack of governmental responsibility in these countries. The slow loris is an endangered species on the IUCN red list, however, illegal pet trading in Indonesia continues to diminish their presence every day. "Although both Indonesian and international law prohibit the trade of slow lorises, still they are sold openly in markets or roadside stalls all over Indonesia. According to WCU (Wildlife Crime Unit), the slow loris is one of the most traded primate species, second only to the long-tailed macaque." (See link below for citing)

It saddens me to know that there are people out there abusing and selling these endangered creatures and there is not much anyone can do about it. The Indonesian government does not enforce the laws that are supposed to protect these animals nor do they punish those who illegally sell them. I think the worst part is how those who perform illegal pet trading treat their animals. The slow loris contains a toxin in its armpit that it swishes around its mouth and uses to poison its prey. Due to the danger of this venom, pet traders brutally cut out the lorises teeth using nail clippers or pliers before stuffing them into cramped cages to sell to ignorant tourists who want a "cute exotic pet."

Due to their slow, gentle nature, the slow loris appeals to people as a great family pet. YouTube videos of captive lorises further encourage the illegal traders to sell slow lorises because people watch the videos and think "How cute! How do I get one?" What these people fail to realize is that purchasing these creatures, even with the intent to "save them", only causes more slow lorises to be captured and fewer to live out their lives in the wild. It's a sad loop that unfortunately does not provide the slow loris with much safety or hope for survival.

Its upsetting that there is not much I can do to help preserve the slow loris, except to educate through this blog and donate to those who help save and rehabilitate slow lorises. The slow loris will not be safe until the government of these countries decides to take action to protect them and/or people decide to stop purchasing them completely. Until that happens there is not much hope for our fuzzy, beady-eyed friends. Unfortunately this is not the only animal threatened by extinction due to the inhumanity and greed of mankind. I just with there was more that I could do to help.

ABC NEWS -  Slow Loris: Endangered for Being Cute

Link to the site features on Animal Planet (and the inspiration for this blog): 

Another educational site:

From where my quote was taken:

Slow Loris getting it's teeth brutally cut out so it can no longer defend itself. 

Slow lorises being openly sold at a weekly market in Bogor. 

Please spread awareness and knowledge about the slow loris in Indonesia to increase law enforcement, decrease illegal pet sales, and help keep the slow loris from extinction.

In the trees where he belongs. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

15 Random Facts (Part 2)

1. I am constantly wavering between loving everyone or hating everyone.

2. I am terrified of birds and automatic car washes.

3. Pudding skin grosses me out.

4. I love all desserts and could eat key lime pie every day if I needed to.

5. I am addicted to iced tea and prefer to drink it out of large styrofoam cups. (sorry environment..)

6. I hate celebrating my birthday, but love making others feel special on theirs.

7. I cannot stand the element of surprise, which is why insects and things that fly make me jumpy. (jumping spiders are the worst... you never know from which angle they may spring at you..)

8. The passenger door on my car is a slightly different color than the rest of my car. I never noticed this until months after my car door was replaced and repaired..

9. I can still fit into the clothes that I wore in junior high, which causes me to wonder how I ended up with stretch marks on certain parts of my body...

10. In college I made extra money on the side by participating in psychology experiments. One of my most profitable experiments involved me lying in an MRI, playing a "game", and intermittently receiving electric shocks to the tips of my ring and pinky fingers. I probably made around $500 doing this once or twice a week for about an hour each time. I have no idea what they were testing, but at the end I received a CD full of MRI pictures of my brain. Pretty neat.

11. I parallel parked for the first time ever on the same night that I met my current boyfriend.

12. When I was in high school, I was interviewed for an article in People Magazine under the alias Savannah (or some S-name, anyway). My doctor at the time suggested me to the magazine interviewer, so I agreed to share my story and thoughts. No one except my family knows about that.

13. I know all of the lyrics to almost every Blink-182 song. (don't judge me..)

14. I had bright pink hair for almost my entire 9th grade year of school. To this day, it is still my favorite hair color I have ever worn.

15.  I cannot sleep without a fan.

Everyone has an awkward stage.. I will be the first to admit mine was longer than most.. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Nothing I Expected, But Everything I Need

So much has happened since my last post. It's ridiculous. Literally, the day after that post, I landed a job in Billings, Montana. Ok... not exactly the tropical paradise I had been hoping for, but it's better than nothing! Yesterday it was 80 degrees in my hometown and 25 and snowing here in Billings. Brrr. So much for that swimsuit binge I went on before leaving Indy.. Won't be needing those here! After a week of orientation, my first day on the unit will be tomorrow. Hoping for the best and determined to enjoy my 3-month stint here.

As far as my CRNA adventure goes, I had my interview and did not get into their program. Whomp.. Whomp. I have mixed feelings about this. Of course, I am a bit disappointed since I worked very hard to get in, however, I also realize that this has now opened me up to other opportunities. For instance, once I take organic chemistry (hopefully this spring or summer), I will then be able to apply to Michigan CRNA schools. Michigan school equals in-state tuition and being close to my family and (wait for it...) TC guy. So although not getting in was not exactly the result I was hoping for, I am not devastated by it either.

TC guy is pretty darn amazing and we are determined to make things work through these next 3 months. I cannot even begin to express how ridiculously smitten I am and I am fairly certain he feels the same. That being said, after this assignment I plan to move back to my hometown, get a job there, and see where things go with Mister Mister. Yes, Miss Picky has finally found someone who she cannot get enough of. Weiiiiirrrddd. He makes me ridiculously happy and I cannot wait to be back in the mitten and see him again. (Feel free to vomit... I know this paragraph was a bit gooshy.)

So there you have it. No CRNA school for 2013. Working in Montana for the next 3 months. Head over heels for someone 1400 miles away. That pretty much sums it up.

Also, I would like to apologize for all of my boring and blah posts from the past few months. After re-reading them I realized that they are not the most positive posts. Typically, I am not that negative of a person, but hey, everyone is allowed to have a few rough patches, right? Forgive me few avid readers that I have... I promise to provide many more exciting posts in the future. I already have a few themed posts in the works about dating and opposite-sex friendships.. so stay tuned!

Chilly Billings... Steep Cliff.. Pretty View..

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Life Lately (More or Less)

Ok... so this whole travel nursing thing has not exactly turned out as I thought it would. I definitely saw things going a lot differently in my head... First off, I am still unemployed and living in my parents house. Fabulous. Seeing as I have a significant amount of experience in a large teaching hospital on a highly acute ICU, I thought landing a travel assignment would not be a problem. Wrong. The travel nurse companies make it seem like finding a job will be a snap, but the reality is that this is not the case.

Most hospitals who accept travelers will only interview applicants that have previous travel nurse experience and who are currently licensed to work in that state. I have neither of these qualities. That being said, not every state is that easy to get licensed in. For instance, if I were to get licensed in Michigan, it would take 2 months before my license would get approved. That's a long freakin' time. So, in an attempt to make myself more marketable, I applied for my Florida license about 3 weeks ago in hopes that I could start applying for Florida positions. $250 and 2 sets of fingerprints later, I am still waiting. (This license also takes about 6-8 weeks..) My plan was to get an assignment somewhere else (anywhere else) and after my first assignment was complete, would then take a travel assignment in Florida. Well, the first assignment still has yet to come.

Per the advice of my second nurse recruiter (the first nursing company I worked with hasn't really been working out, so I applied with another company), I applied for my Texas license. There have been a ton of job opportunities posted in Texas and it is a relatively quick state to get licensed in, so I figured applying for my license there couldn't hurt. That license cost $215 and I am now waiting for my fingerprint sheets to come in the mail so I can once again get fingerprinted for another license. So, right now, not only am I almost $500 poorer, but I am also STILL without a job. Super Ugh. I have had a few phone interviews, but most hospitals said that I did not have enough experience, even as a charge nurse in a highly acute ICU. To say that this process has been frustrating and discouraging is an understatement. I NEVER thought that I would still be unemployed right now. Yet, here I sit. Blah... At least I am learning to be patient, right?

In other news, a week ago I found out that I got invited to interview for CRNA school in Cincinnati. YAY!! This is the LAST step of what was a long summer of dedication and studying. My interview will be on October 15th and I will have my fingers and toes crossed that I get accepted into the program. I want this so badly!

Also, as my luck would have it, I have met the most incredible person here in Traverse City and it is making my decision to do travel nursing seem much less appealing... He is very fun and awesome and I am a bit smitten. Needless to say, my life has the worst timing, ever. Whether anything comes of TC guy or not, at the very least, I now know that decent, respectful, and confident men still exist out there. That in itself is refreshing enough. And I got to ride on a motorcycle for the first time ever. Huzzah!

So there you have it. That has been my life for the past month. It has been nothing like I had planned, but has been everything that I needed. I am not really sure what my next step is going to be since my whole travel nurse plan isn't really panning out, but I am open to whatever opportunity may come my way. Bring it on world.. At this point I've got nothing to lose!

By the way, Scotland was AWESOME. This was taken before we climbed  ben y vrackie mountain in Pitlochry.

2,759ft above sea level and a 22 mile hike. Great climb!

Rosslyn Chapel 

Taken inside the Paisley Abbey

The High Church of Paisley

We saw lots of rainbows during this hike

Another picture inside the Paisley Abbey

Sunday, September 2, 2012

No Longer an Indiana Resident... Woah.

It is so weird to think that I no longer live in Indy anymore. It still has not sunk in that I will not be going back to my old ICU and that I will probably never see most of my Indy friends or coworkers again. For the past 7 years Indiana has been my home and it is where I have done most of my growing as a person. This is such an awkward mix of emotions. I am not sure whether I should be happy, sad, excited, or indifferent. It's hard to describe this feeling of transition as it doesn't even seem real. I am going to wake up tomorrow here in Michigan and away from everything that has been "home" to me for almost a decade. I guess I am in a bit of shock.

Although my final week was a complete disaster, I am going to miss the few true friends that I found in Indiana. The kind of friends who willingly get out of bed and drive to your house in the middle of the night to help you finish packing.. The kind of friends who stop what they're doing to comfort you with tea when you cannot stop crying.. The friends who listen to you complain for hours, stand by your side even when you don't deserve it, and bring you a large coke at work just because.. These people know all of my shortcomings, secrets, and skeletons and still support me. These are the people who are my world. These are the people I love more than anything. And these are the people that I am terrified to live my life without. I am a very, VERY blessed person. I may not have a ton of friends, but I have the highest quality friends on the planet. Although I know that they will remain in my life no matter where we end up, it is still a bit unnerving to know that they are no longer within a 30-minute driving radius. Once again, in a bit of shock. 

I am very excited about my new up and coming adventures, but it is also bittersweet to leave my former life behind. I have learned so much from those who played a part in my life and I am truly grateful for every person that I met and every lesson that I learned in the Crossroads of America.

Turning the page and beginning my next chapter. Big, deep breath... 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


What a shitty week. I won't get into details, but I will say that my departure date cannot come quickly enough. You know that part in the movies where the plot flips and all of the sudden you realize that all of the "good characters" of the film were actually the "bad guys" all along? Well, that pretty much sums up the majority of my week. Awesome. Continue to judge and spread your cruel rumors. Shame on all of you. May no one ever treat you the way you treat others. Ps. I hope the next time you have explosive diarrhea you are trapped in a public bathroom that is completely out of toilet paper and paper towel. Love always, Dani. Xoxo.

As if what happened above wasn't rough enough, I also found out that one of my favorite patients died unexpectedly. (The one who, in a previous post, thanked me for "making him feel like a person again"..) My heart breaks for his wife and family as I cannot even imagine what they are going through. Sometimes I truly doubt that there is justice in anything. I will never understand why the good people of the world always seem to suffer while the assholes live forever. May I reiterate that it's been a shitty week.

I really try hard not to post negative things and I will probably regret posting this later, but I am angry and for some reason felt like sharing. I truly do apologize for writing such a bummer drag post. Cannot wait to have a change of scenery and get away from all of the negativity that has been surrounding me lately. Adios haters. Find someone else to gossip about.

No caption needed.

Choose Wisely. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

RN, BSN, freakin' CCRN!!! Boom!

Huzzah!! I freakin' did it. I passed the CCRN. My pale-skinned summer of studying has not been in vain. Glad I can finally start to relax in my empty apartment before I head back to Michigan and then to Scotland. Such a great feeling to finally be able to BREATHE again.

I am truly going to miss all of my close friends here in Indy, but I am also excited for the new adventures that lie ahead. Inhale. Exhale. Bring it on.

Yes. I DID use every single one of those books... And those tired eyes that you see.. you can earn yourself a pair of those by studying for exams for 4 months straight and sleeping on an air-mattress since the only things left in your apartment are a fork, spoon, cup, and computer... 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's Official. Au Revoir Indy!

Everything I mentioned in my last post is now official. My new lease is cancelled, my last day of work is September 1st and now I am trying to get all of my loose ends tied up in Indy before my departure. As an added bonus, my mom invited me to go on a 10 day trip with her to Scotland as soon as I get home. Huzzah!! Turns out 2012 may end up being the most travelicious year after all! (see 2012: The Year of Travels. (perhaps?)) Look out world, Stella is finally getting her groove back!

Aside from my spontaneous life-changing decision to uproot myself and travel, I have no other new news. So I suppose that is all she wrote for this post..

I cannot wait to be inside you.. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who Says I Can't Have My Cake and Eat It, Too?

After a long couple of months of indecisions and revisions, I am finally feeling as though things are falling into place. I started off 2012 with high hopes and have felt as though I have received nothing but a cluster of confusion and chaos in return. Everything that I used to love about Indy is no longer here and I have been struggling for months to keep myself afloat with contentment. I have tried to convince myself that things will get better, but I am now beginning to realize that I am done "trying to make things work" in Indy and it is time to move on and explore new places and people. At this moment, I am seriously considering either, breaking my newly signed lease, or just using that apartment for really expensive storage while I go travel. I shall explain..

So, I showed up for Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) class today, expecting to know no one, and came out with a whole new perspective on my future. First off, I know nothing about saving the lives of small people and was only taking PALS because it is a requirement for CRNA school. Secondly, I have hinted at this a bit in other posts, but I am just going to come out and say it, I am, and have been, completely miserable in Indy for quite a while now. I hate it here and I am sick of "sucking it up" and "trying to make the best of things." I have been here for 7 years and although I have had some absolutely amazing times, it is time to move on. So there you have it. Anyways, I am sitting in PALS and run into the Flotrac sales rep RN who has been frequenting our unit over the past few months. Her and I have always gotten along and we quickly began chatting about our lives, the ICU that I work on, etc.. when she mentioned that she used to do travel nursing. Immediately, I asked her how she liked it and which company she went through. She had nothing but positive things to say about the experience and had even traveled through the company with which I applied when I first considered being a traveler. "Why wouldn't you just leave and travel now?" She inquired. "Well, I just signed a lease.." "Could you break your lease? The good thing about travel nursing is if you decide you want to leave in 2 weeks, they can find you a job." And then my mind began to wonder...

I am supposed to move in on the 20th, which I am beginning to think may not be a great idea. If I travel, I really don't know if I want to be paying such a large amount of rent for an "upgraded" apartment that will only be used to store my things. Technically, I do not have to be out of my current apartment until August 31st, which if I were to put in my 2 weeks notice next week, would allow me to stay here long enough to take my CCRN exam and promptly move my stuff back to my Michigan home before departing on a travel adventure. If I break my lease, I think I only lose out on about $200 or so, which is much less than I would lose out on by using it for storage. I haven't made any solid decisions yet, but travel nursing would be a GREAT way to save money to pay for my future CRNA degree. The more I think about it, the happier I become. I am seriously shaking, I am so excited!! I love spontaneous life-changing decisions! My decision to become a nurse happened in much the same way: changed my mind one day, changed my major, and never looked back.. I will keep you posted, but I am fairly certain I know what I need to do..

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Application In. Only CCRN to Go.

Turned in my CRNA school application today. It feels good to have that completed, but is also a bit terrifying. I can't help but hope that everything was spelled correctly in my essay and resume and that everything is up to their standards. I suppose none of that matters now since it is out of my hands and into the inbox of the decision-makers, but that doesn't stop my mind from worrying. Now all I have left to do is pass my CCRN certification before I can safely breathe a sigh of relief and say that I have done absolutely everything possible to try to get into the University of Cincinnati CRNA program. Phew! Trying not to get overwhelmed on the home stretch, but this summer is flying by.

Aside from my application, nothing else has changed in my life. Been a bit homesick for my Michigan home lately and have also caught a cold that is draining my energy. Regardless, I need to keep plugging along and checking things off of my "to do" list. I've been trying to pack up my place, bit by bit, in preparation for my August move and am beginning to realize that, even through I threw out a lot of things before moving here 2 years ago, I still own a bunch of crap. It's amazing how many things one person can accumulate. I see many trips to Goodwill in my future..

In other news, yesterday I received the best compliment from a patient's family member in the form of a thank you card. "You made him feel like a person again." It was nice to hear that amongst all the stress and chaos that has been my summer, I have at least done one thing right. Makes me smile.

Anyways, after that choppy, random post, I am off to trivia night to try and have a bit of fun before diving back into studying again tomorrow morning. I think I can.. I think I can.. I think I can..

'Nuff said..

Saturday, July 21, 2012

You Know You're Getting Old When..

After many failed attempts, I have officially come to the conclusion that I absolutely detest going to the bars for the sake of going out to the bars. There is nothing about this American past time that even remotely does anything for me. Going out with a group of friends, that's different, that is usually a blast. But going out with one or two other ladies to troll the streets for un-dateable alcoholics... not for me. Now, I can have a good time wherever I am placed, but there are times, like last night, where the effort to have a decent time isn't even worth the energy.

As Raleigh and I sat at a table outside of Kilroy's, we assessed the situation that surrounded us: hooker heels and LBDs to our right.. Ed Hardy tees and boat shoes to our left. Raleigh nervously played with the umbrella at our table, "Are we too old for this?" We sat in silence, both fully aware that it was going to be another early night.  I continued to observe the crowd, and their human mating rituals, while seriously pondering why we were even here. Back in the college days, drinking and attempting to seduce the boys of the bar used to be considered a great evening, but now, I am not even sure why I continue to use gas to put myself in these situations. I suppose we were both hoping to run into a group of people that we knew or even make friends with a few new folks, but to be honest, the bar crowd are not typically the type of people I have any desire to approach, let alone converse with. Eventually we ended up seeing some friends and had a better time, however, I think this may be my last bar outing for a while.

Every night I go out it is always the same.. you stay up late, have a drink or two, look around and realize that everyone in the bar is retarded, have another drink in hopes that your situation will start looking less grim, decide to go to another bar, realize that everyone at this bar is equally as retarded, and then head home around midnight telling yourself that "no one good" was out and next time will be better. I guess I am not sure what I even expect to get out of these late night outings since I don't really drink, am not looking to date anyone, and I don't like being surrounded by drunk people who get into your personal space as they stumble by. Although going out occupies some free time, I think I will pass on the bars and instead opt for bowling alleys, the climbing gym, and Starbucks. Although these establishments may be a mecca for underage children, at least they will allow me to have fun, get to bed at a decent hour, and not feel guilty or hungover the next morning. Wow, I really am getting old.

We couldn't fit all of the boat shoes into one picture.. but you get the idea.. 

We met this gem out last week... he promptly told us he was successful (although he couldn't come up with an answer as to what he did for a living), told us to google him, and then showed us pictures of his mom and dad.. and him with 2 out of the 4 world's largest balls of twine.. and him with the world's largest bottle of ketchup.. He definitely deserves an A for the most creative pick up strategy, ever. Props to you, Glen Bradford... I hope someday it works for you.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 Year Life Plan

So tomorrow is Big Test Day #1 and while yesterday I was full of anxiety and freaking the f' out, today I feel a greater sense of calm. After months of relentless and fastidious math and vocabulary preparation (you see what I did just there? aw yeah, integrating GRE words into my everyday life..) it will all come down to tomorrow. (Yikes.) As stressful as it seems, when you break it down, everything is going to be ok. Best case scenario: I meet the CRNA benchmark score, breathe a sigh of relief on the drive home, then grab drinks with a few friends in celebration. Worst case scenario: I panic and cry throughout the whole exam, don't meet the required benchmarks, and I sign up to take it again. I am really, REALLY hoping for the former scenario, but we shall see. I think I will bring a box of tissues with me just in case.

In other news, I had another AMAZING trip to Michigan. Words cannot express how in love I am with my family and hometown. I have always said that there is no way in hell I would move back to Michigan, but after these past couple weeks, I think I may consider moving back to the mitten in the near future. Although I am proud of all I have been able to accomplish while riding s-o-l-o these past 7 years in Indiana, I think it may be time for me to head back to my roots where I will be surrounded by those who mean the most to me. Perhaps I shall move back to Michigan after my future graduation from CRNA school. Which brings me to my next topic: Dani's new and improved 5 Year Life Plan. (All life plans subject to change with or without the consent of Dani. Must be 18 to enter. Many will enter. Few will win. Void where prohibited.)

Dani's 5 Year Life Plan(s)

Option 1 (the preferred option):

2013- get into CRNA school and move to Cincinnati in July/August-ish.

2014-2015- rock out some intubations/sedation/spinals in school.

2016- find a job somewhere in the US, work, save up some money, and TRAVEL.

2017-2018- work as much as I need to and plan numerous trips around the world.

Option 2 (not as optimal as Option 1, but still not too shabby..)

2013- do not make the cut for school and take organic chemistry so I can apply to more CRNA schools.. then perhaps do some travel nursing to earn money for school

2014- (hopefully) get into a CRNA school somewhere and move there..

2015-2016- rock out some intubations/sedation/spinals in school..

2017- find a job somewhere in the US, work, save up some money, and TRAVEL.

2018- work as much as I need to and plan numerous trips around the world.

As you can see, the main goal of my 5 Year Plan is to travel. I have been on a few spontaneous vacations this year and with every new adventure my desire to see more, do more, explore more, etc.. becomes greater. I believe this is what they call "being bit by the travel bug". Right now life is a little hectic and my travel plans need to be put on hold. But once I am in a better-paying career my future adventures should be a bit easier to achieve, which is very exciting. Until then, I am going to continue to work my booty off to get into school so 5 years down the road I can relax and see the world. Exciting stuff to look forward to!

Future Adventure! Try not to be jealous of my mad photoshopping skills..... 

The view from my parents' deck.. I almost cried when I had to leave.. No where else I would rather be in the summer. Period.  

Sunday, June 24, 2012

You Are Awesome. (a tribute..)

(I've been feeling rather philosophical lately.. so I dedicate this little boost to anyone out there who has been going through a rough time)

You are awesome. I know things haven't been going your way lately, but despite all of the "suck", you have managed to persevere and keep going. Not everyone can do what you do and you deserve a pat on the back for all of the hard work that you put into each and every day. Way to go. Way to be an f'ing rock star. You may not get recognized for all that you do, but know that your hard work does NOT go unnoticed. Whether you realize it or not, your positive actions have inspired others and that is pretty darn awesome.

So what if you didn't get that raise, a marriage proposal, or a date with that hottie at Starbucks. It's ok. You're exactly where you need to be right now, so there is absolutely no reason to worry.  Whether you are going through a break-up, mourning the loss of a loved one, or suffering through any other rough event, know that you are stronger than you think you are and you WILL get through this. Believe it or not, you will even find joy again. You are not alone in your struggle. No one leaves this world unscathed and each and every one of us has been through, or is currently going through, our own personal Hell. It is in these struggles that we learn and in these struggles that we realize we are so much stronger than we ever thought we could be. We make mistakes. We are not perfect. None of us were given a "how to" guide, so we're all just kind of winging it. You are one ridiculously strong individual. It's incredible.

Our world today is so focused on criticism that we often forget to express gratitude. You are great at what you do and so many people appreciate you. Don't allow others to bring you down with their words. They are only doing this in an attempt to fill a void in themselves. Do not take what they say personally and do not allow their struggle to bring you down. Like you, these hurtful people are only doing the best that they can. We all are. Appreciate those around you and be grateful for each and every breath that you take. There is a reason you are here. There is a reason you are who you are. And, as tough as it can be to accept, there is a reason for your struggles, pain, and suffering. Try not to get bogged down by everything that appears to be against you and have faith that you are always being guided to where you are supposed to go. Express your gratitude for those around you. Your kind words have the power to completely change someone's day. How cool is it that your single smile or compliment can change someone's crappy day into a much better day? Yeah, you're that amazing.

As far as your struggle goes, you are going to be ok and you will get through this. Why? Because you're freakin' awesome. That's why. In the words of Stuart Smalley, "you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you." So go on wit' yo' bad self and show that big bad world what you've got inside you. Spread your awesomeness to those around you and help out your peers when you can. You already have all of the tools you need to change your view of the world around you. Hold your head up high, smile at those who cut you off during rush hour, and rest assured that where you are at this moment is exactly where you need to be. You're doing a great job. Keep being awesome, you sexy fox, you.

Truth: I am obsessed with awesome quotes pasted upon neat backgrounds.. My apartment and pinterest page are covered with inspirational words... So, yeah.. now you know a lesser known face about moi..
So enjoy these quotes.. or not.. makes no difference to me. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Some whining about the GRE.. and other insignificant updates..

Welp, it's 6:20pm and out of all of the useless things I have accomplished today, studying still has yet to make that list. Studying for the GRE blows. I do not see how any part of this will prove to a school that I would be a kick ass anything, let alone a quality CRNA. I have so many attributes that would better prove that I am a mildly decent human being and not one of them involves finding the possible values for x if x^2-5x+6=0. I just want July 11th to get here so I can sit at a computer for 5 hours and be done with this nonsense. Instead of the GRE, they should test applicants responses to stressful situations, attracting douche bags, and ability to jump from a high place into a deep river. I would like to think that I could easily ace all three categories with grace, poise, and humor. As an added bonus, test results would be much more entertaining than those given from the GRE. But who am I to make the rules. At least when I study for the CCRN (Critical Care Registered Nurse certification - the other test I need to take before applying), I can use the medical knowledge I gain from studying in my everyday work practice. I can almost guarantee that, aside from the GRE and a possible trivia night, I will never need to know the definition of internecine. Regardless, it is what it is so I should probably just quit bitching, study hard, and get over it.

In other news, nothing of great significance in my life has changed. I have found a new apartment and will be moving out sometime around July or August, so that's neat. Honestly, I am really bummed out about it. I am in love with my current place of residence, but Carmel is a lonely place full of young, married couples and a single 5'1" lady truly doesn't need a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom place for just herself. My new place is nice, but very small. I am unsure if my oversized couch will even fit, but I love this lounging couch and will make it work even if the end of it invades the kitchen. Since the majority of my good friends live in the area I am moving to, I think this move will be a positive step for where I am in my life. Maybe I am a little bitter, but being surrounded by happy, married people and their offspring has been bringing my down lately. I am excited to move to a place where I will be in close proximity to other single 20- to 30-somethings who enjoy a good night of drinking, dancing and loud music. Sometimes you need to move backwards in life before you can truly move forward. Adios young families who make me feel like crap and hello to miserable drunk people who will most likely make me feel better about myself! Yay!

I would like to add as a disclaimer that although the paragraph above makes me sound like a bitter single bitch, I really love everything about my life. Married people do not have half of the adventures that my friends and I do and therefore lack great stories of awkward flirting, walks of shame, and general disarray. Plus, I enjoy that fact that I never have to report to anyone about my whereabouts, nor do I have to face their judgement when I do something stupid. Single people, somewhere out there is an equally weird person who will be able to put up with us and all of the chaos that comes with it. Until then, we need to keep each other company, forward march, and laugh at all of the awkwardness that comes with "dating". If I ever get married, I hope I never become a boring person. Becoming part of a boring couple terrifies me more than being eternally single. But that's enough on that..

Anyways, aside from the items mentioned above there isn't much more to update. I just got back from an amazing Michigan vacation with one of my good friends and will be heading back up to Michigan for "summer vacation: take 2" in the near future. It was nice to get away from everything that stresses me out and I am already ready for my second trip to the mitten. I am madly in love with my hometown and cannot wait to jump back into its chilly waters soon. Until then, I guess I will have to settle for getting intimate with my GRE books... Try not to be jealous.

Pretty much what happens as soon as I open those stupid GRE books...

This is for all my single people out there.. Makes me giggle. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Maybe You Should Leave the Pregnant Suit at Home.

This morning, while cleaning out the contents of my car from the previous evening, two things became very clear: first, I shouldn't have left my dirty buffalo chicken dip pan in my car overnight and second, I am the most retarded person, ever.

Every now and then I come up with some grand idea that inevitably turns out to be an awful idea in the sober light of day. As I collected the pieces of the pregnant suit that I had worn just hours prior, it dawned on me that I actually wore this out in public. Now, this is not the first time I have sabotaged my lady-like public image and I'm sure it will not be the last, but regardless, it never gets less embarrassing.

Back in college, my girlfriend and I came up with this brilliant plan to dress up as Sonny and Cher for Halloween. As you are fully aware, Halloween is the national holiday where you can dress like a hussy and not be judged for it. Women prepare weeks to months in advance by hitting up the gym to get their abs and ass perfect for their naughty nurse, naughty schoolgirl, and naughty bunny costumes. My girlfriend and I are not "those girls", so we opt for the more humorous costume option. She is taller than I am so naturally she dressed up as Cher. Meanwhile, I was excited to get to adorn a thick black mustache and embrace my masculine side as Sonny. We decide that this is the best costume idea in the world. We have never been more wrong.

Out in public the liquid courage brought on by our pre-gaming slowly begins to fade as we wander through the sea of scantily clad and fabulous-looking women. These ladies are looking their best and we are beginning to question our costume choice. We get to the party and it becomes obvious: we are not going to get any ass tonight. The dudes in the room suspiciously eye us over their red solo cups and continue to chat with the cleavage that has their attention. My girlfriend looks like a drag queen and I am wearing a mustache. This costume plan was not very well thought out.

As if I didn't learn my lesson back then, I decided to make a repeat performance of "world's most unflattering and unseductive outfits" this past weekend when I decided to bust out a pregnant belly to a themed party. Now, in my defense, the theme was "white trash", so I figured the belly would make for the perfect outfit. I gather up a small pillow and a bejeweled jean jacket from Goodwill and decide to create a masterpiece of a costume. I mold the pillow into the perfect belly with duct tape and rip the sleeves off of the bejeweled jean jacket. One of my best friends and wingwoman, Raleigh, helped me strap on a large padded bra over my existing bra to finish the homemade preggo belly suit. I add a wifebeater and thick blue eyeshadow to complete the look and am about ready to start braiding my hair into cornrows when Raleigh (who is wearing jean shorts and a normal t-shirt) informs me that I have already gone far enough. "You're right. I should probably maintain some piece of normalcy." I pull my buffalo chicken dip out of the oven, hobble my newly girthy body to the car, and we are off.

Even arriving 45 minutes after the party start time, we are still the first guests there. This is embarrassing. We rock it out, pour ourselves a drink and enjoy the warm weather and far-too-neatly-landscaped-for-a-man's-party yard. As others slowly begin to trickle in, I have a flashback to Halloween and realize that I, once again, have completely taken the costume theme too far. Clearly, I did not get the memo that it was a "sexy white trash party". Feeling inadequate, I begin to drink more. All of the entering ladies display large, elevated breasts under cute tanks, cute jean shorts and skirts, and trucker hats. Dani, you are an idiot. Determined to swallow my pride and embrace the belly, my friend and I chat it up with the ladies and get social, as we typically do at such functions. I am not sure if it was the weather, my slight feeling of unsexiness, or the fact that I had only eaten half a cheeseburger that day, but I soon realize that I am drunk. Very drunk. It is at this time of realization that Raleigh, equally drunk, rushes across the yard with a sense of urgency. Upset by an issue unrelated to the party,  she grabs my arm and states, "We're leaving. Now." I do not hesitate, as I have embarrassed myself enough for one event, and we venture off to Broad Ripple, belly and all, to meet up with friends.

The events that took place after this are unimportant, but the night ends with me walking a mile in the dark from the bars and back to the scene of the party where my car is still parked. At this point I have drank nothing but water for the past few hours and am sober enough to, both, drive and realize that I once again have most likely made an ass of myself by wearing a costume that should have just stayed in the closet. Note to self: men do not find lady mustaches or pregnant bellies attractive. One of these days I will learn.. either that, or I will find someone who has no shame in rocking out an equally embarrassing costume. Either way, my pride and I should probably avoid themed parties for a while.

While driving home and feeling dumb, I replay the evening's events to my sister on the phone. "Lindsey, I f'ing wore a pregnant belly." After her laugher ceased she informs me, "Sissy, you are the most retarded person that I know. I love you." At the very least, the stories resulting from my shame, awkwardness, and poor decisions are typically mildly entertaining to the general public. Although it made for a funny story, next time I think I will leave the pregnant belly at home.

My grandma has taught me well how to edit photos.. She covers the faces of all of our ex's with question mark stickers so she can still keep the photos on the fridge even when things go sour.. Classy photo editing is in my genes.. (this was edited for privacy reasons only..)

Such a lady..... Ugh. I promise I am not 18 and posing with booze for kicks.. 

And it now becomes clear why no men were going to ask for our numbers that fateful Halloween night... (circa 2007) 

My friend made this for me since everyone kept thinking I was dressed as Borat.. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bucket List

Everybody has a bucket list... Here are the items that are currently on mine. I am hoping to accomplish a few of these within the next few years.. Although most of these adventures require a bit of money to complete.. sigh..

1. Noodling (catfishing with your bare hands... yes.)

2. Scuba diving certification and scuba on the Great Barrier Reef

3. Skydiving

4. Kiteboarding

5. Go to Australia

6. Go to India

7. Learn sign language

8. Zipline through the jungle

9. Write a book

10. Go cliff diving (jump from a cliff into deep water)

11. Rock climb outdoors

12. Throw a dart at a map.. and spend a few days wherever it lands...

13. Be a contestant on The Price is Right

14. See a whale

How does this not look like the most fun ever?! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Warning: Deep Thoughts.

My brain never seems to shut off and is constantly trying to figure out people, situations, and life in general. One observation that never seems to fail me, is that people do not change. They just don't. True, I am not the same person I was 5 years ago, but this is not change, this is growth. There is a difference. Change is when you start out as one thing and become another, whereas, growth is the evolution or discovery of what has always been there all along. I do not believe people change, but I DO believe that everyone shows their true colors over time. (Whether good or bad, you can't hide yourself forever!)

People are constantly providing clues about themselves, but oftentimes we overlook these clues because we want to see this person in a better light. We want to view this person as we would LIKE them to be and fail to see them for what they actually ARE. Since each of us come from different backgrounds, life experiences, traumas, etc.. our view of the world around us is unconsciously filtered through this biased mess of experience. I may view a certain person very differently than one of my friends. This is because our life experiences are vastly different and therefore how could we possibly view one thing the exact same way? Since no one views anything the same, no one person is adored by all or hated by all and this is a beautiful thing. (Can you imagine if everyone had the same "type" when dating? Those who did not fit that "type" would be screwed..) We are drawn to those with similar world views and personality traits and we enjoy our friends because of this similarity. I am a sarcastic person by nature so am drawn to those who are also fluent in sarcasm. People who do not understand sarcasm tend not to like me. There is nothing wrong with either, we're just different and probably will not understand each other very well. There is no right and wrong, just different.

I believe one of the key components to true contentment is viewing things exactly as they are, without judgement, bias, or emotions. This concept is ridiculously hard to put into practice because it is hard to separate true facts without those three components creeping in. The best way I can explain this is to dissect a relationship from my past (sorry, ex.. I'm throwing you out there..), as it was only after we broke up that I realized he had never "changed" at all, he had always been the same, I had just been viewing him the wrong way and had failed to see him for what he had been all along.

For a long time, after my last relationship, I was hurt and confused over what had happened and where things went wrong. I thought I had met the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with and various family members, including my mother, had told me "Dani, he's 'the one.'" I was on cloud nine with Ex (we'll just call him Ex.. no need to drop names) and often found myself thinking "I don't know how it gets any better than this". Ex made me a ridiculously happy person and I could not see myself being with anyone else. After a fun-filled year of dating, we began to talk about "getting serious". The first time he mentioned getting married, I was so happy and excited I thought I was going to explode. I could not wait to become Mrs. Ex. During year two of our relationship things started to change. I don't know if it was him or me, but things just weren't as easy as they had been before. We began to fight a lot and things he would say just weren't adding up. Regardless of the tension, we still moved in together. A month later, after various events that I will not dive into, I said "enough is enough" and kicked him to the curb. He moved his things out while I was at work and took many things that did not even belong to him. (yes, I am still a little bitter.. who takes someones iced tea maker and the first CHRISTMAS PRESENT they gave to their girlfriend?! Seriously? I want my wii fit back.. it was a GIFTTTT!!!) Two weeks after our break up, I ran into him and his new* vagina at a bar during New Years Eve. Happy New Year to me! And that pretty much sums that up..
(*let's be honest, she wasn't new.. she was the vagina he was using while he was still dating me.. awesome.)

Ok, I am not placing blame in our relationship, but there were definitely some red flags and personality traits that I overlooked because my silly "I really like you" emotions got in the way. I had always told myself I would never date a guy who was a smoker or had a history of cheating, but having a crush on someone will make you do stupid things. Looking back, he possessed very few qualities that I would actually like in a partner, so it is no surprise to me that things ended the way they did.

He was a smoker and when we first met I told him I would never date someone that smokes. That day, he told me he would quit and I told him "bullshit". However, he stopped smoking around me, so I assumed he was true to his word and had quit. (HA! Silly, naive Dani..) One day, after about a year of dating, we were lying in bed and I said, "I never told you how much it meant to me that you actually quit smoking. Thank you." He looked at me and replied, "I have been meaning to talk to you about that. I am officially a non-smoker!" I expected him to tell me it had been a year, or at least six months... NOPE! "I haven't smoked at work for TWO DAYS!" I gave him the look of death, rolled over, and replied, "Ex, I haven't eaten meat for two days, but I do not consider myself a vegetarian."

The second big red flag that I overlooked was the fact that Ex had a girlfriend when we met. I was aware of this, but he told me they were in the process of breaking up so, I believed him and we continued to hang out. As it turns out, they were NOT in the process of breaking up... AND his girlfriend was currently mad at him because she found out he was cheating on her with another girl. A girl who was NOT me. So, unknowingly, I was the OTHER other woman in his life.... Why did I continue to date him, again? Oh yeah.. stupid emotions. (smashes hand onto forehead...)

Honestly, I am not going to go on, because you already know too much. The point is, Ex never changed. People do not change. Although our relationship went sour, he was always the same person. When I first met him he SHOWED me he was a cheater, a liar, and a smoker, but I wanted to believe that things would be DIFFERENT with me. Had I accepted these facts for what they actually were, without emotions, we never would have dated. But, when we met, I saw him as I WANTED to see him and not for what he actually WAS. He never changed. He was always a cheater, a liar, and a smoker. I just failed to accept these as truths. Am I to blame? No. He is who he is and I am who I am. There is nothing wrong with either of us, we are just different and want different things. I want to be with a non-smoker who doesn't lie or cheat. I have no idea what it is that he wants..

I do not regret dating Ex or anyone from my past.  Ex provided me with joy and love when our relationship was good and knowledge and growth after we broke up. I am wiser for having dated him and our break up actually made me a better person in many ways. To find contentment, it is essential that you see things exactly as they are and not as you would like them to be. Once you can see and accept people for what they truly are, then you can decide whether or not they are someone you would like to keep in your life or someone you need to let go.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Traverse City, Michigan: Great Lakes, Great Times (a photo tour)

After posting a "cover photo" on the new facebook timeline that was forced upon me, I realized 2 things: #1. my hometown is ridiculously awesome and #2. many people in the world are completely oblivious to the beauty that I grew up around.

I grew up in Traverse City, Michigan, and although I cannot stand being there in the wintertime, since I am not a lover of the cold, there is NOWHERE else I would rather be in the summer. That being said, I would like to take this post to brag about my hometown and encourage others to vacation there, because it is totally worth it. Here is my attempt at a travel guide...

Where is Traverse City?

Traverse City, or "TC" as we call it, is located at the pinky of the mitten. Surrounded by numerous lakes, your summer question is never "do we want to go to the lake?", but "WHICH lake do we want to go to/ jet ski/ boat on/ fish on/ etc?"

Which Lakes are the Best?

This answer greatly depends on what you are looking to do... Below is a map of some of the major lakes surrounding TC. I have taken the liberty of highlighting some of my favorites in purple to make it easier for you to locate them. When visiting TC, it is best to go with a "townie" (I will explain nicknames later..), otherwise known as a "local". The locals know exactly which lakes are best for which activities and they probably have all of the equipment you need to do said activities, so you can avoid the hassle of renting. 

There are many smaller lakes, not on this map, that are only obtainable via short hike. I will keep these a secret for now, since us locals sometimes need to get away from the "fudgies" (also, to be explained later..).

Objects on the map above are much closer to one another than they appear.. 

Boating: Boats are like cars to TC people. If you are lucky enough to live on a lake, then there is almost a 100% chance that you own a boat, however, most people who live inland also own boats. That being said, I like to use different lakes for different kinds of boating (yes, there are different kinds..). 

Best Lakes for... 

Speeding Around and/or Tubing - Lake Michigan (East or West Bay.. DO NOT call West Bay the "West Arm of Grand Traverse Bay".. this is a dead giveaway that you're a fudgie) or Elk Lake. 

Some of my friends and I cruising around on the East Bay last summer 

My dad and I are not allowed to shop together anymore after purchasing that massive tube.. this is a picture of "tube wars" where the object of the game is to knock everyone else off their tube and be the last person standing.. err riding..

My sister rockin' out some water skis.. I think this pic was taken on Mullet Lake in Cheboygan, MI.. about 2 hours north of TC.. 

Parking the Boat to Drink - West Bay near the West End Beach (a highly crowded public beach downtown where most of the fudgies and local high schoolers go during the summer) or the Torch Lake Sandbar. 

Boats full of friendly drinkers LOVE the Torch Lake sandbar.. 

Torch Lake Sandbar: warm enough to swim.. shallow enough to drink and not risk drowning.. oh, and there are usually vendors on floatable carts or boats selling hot dogs and lemonade to boaters.. it's awesome. 

This is my current "cover photo" on facebook.. and the inspiration behind this post..

Dock Dining - On Clam River there is a restaurant called "The Dockside", where you can park your boat and dine and/or drink, all while never getting out of your swimsuit. 

Connecting rivers are "no wake" zones.. so you need to go slow.. 

Eating at The Dockside before heading back out on the water.. 

Fishing - Fishing is better early in the morning or later in the evening if you are actually trying to catch yourself some dinner. There are lots of "fishing tricks" and different seasons for catching different fish.. My grandpa has an vast amount of fishing knowledge stored away in his brain and is always my "go to" person when it comes to fishing. For those who have never gone fishing, it is boring and can be used as either a time of self-reflection or a time to drink and have in-depth conversations with your "fishing buddies". I love fishing. 

These pictures are actually from Black Lake in Cheboygan, MI. My Dad is playing around with the Pike I caught..
Side note: No fish were harmed in the making of this photo.. we practice catch and release..

Sometimes you think you have a bite.. but only catch a grass bass...  


Cabrewing - Cabrewing is the act of floating down a river in a raft or canoe while drinking beer or other alcoholic beverages at the same time. The Platte River is typically where most cabrewing takes place since the current is strong enough that you don't have to paddle and can easily enjoy your brew.

Shockingly, I do not have any cabrewing pictures... that needs to change. 

Sailing, Kayaking, Jet Skiing and Kiteboarding - For those who are more adventurous, TC offers plenty water sports to keep you occupied. Lake Michigan is typically a decent spot to partake in these activities, although, given the right conditions, any lake will do. 

Kayaking on East Bay.. There is a small cove on the East Bay where you can search for Petoskey stones and kayak among the carp, swans, snapping turtles, and various other forms of wildlife.. This picture was take right outside my parents house. I am so lucky.
Kiteboarding.. I have never done this... but want to soooo badly.

My sister and her friends sailing.. 

There are many, MANY more water activities that I could add, but us TC people do more than just swim and participate in water sports. Traverse City is also known for the peninsula wine trail, breweries, Sleeping Bear Dunes and The National Cherry Festival. 

WINE - Whether you take a party bus or have a designated driver, if you are into wine, the Old Mission Peninsula Wine Trail is for you! There are 7 wineries located on the peninsula within close proximity to one another. Here is a website if you would like to know more:

Each purple dot represents a tasty winery..

My personal favorite winery: Chateau Chantal.. 

BEER - There are a ton of breweries in the downtown TC area. I used to work at one called North Peak Brewing Company, but there is pretty much a brewery anywhere you turn downtown. Tasty! 

The Red 8 Ale is my brother's favorite beer.. It comes from this brewery..

Sleeping Bear Dunes - Nestled in beautiful Glen Arbor, the Sleeping Bear Dunes are a must-see for visiting fudgies. Bring comfortable shoes and lots of water to prepare yourself for your visit. And remember, if you decided to go down the dunes.. you have to walk all the way back up... which is 10 times harder and takes about 3 times longer....

I brought my friend to the dunes last year.. he had no idea what kind of hiking torture he was in for.. love dune virgins..

Photos just don't do justice to how steep and long of a climb this is.. that little white speck in the left lower corner.. that's a large boat.. 

The National Cherry Festival - Fudgies from all over come to enjoy this week-long cherry celebration. TC is the cherry capital of the world and this summertime festival is a cherry-lovers dream. Cherry jam, cherry beer, cherry hand soap, cherry pillows, absolutely anything and everything cherry, you can find here. Although known for cherries, this festival is much more than that. There is a carnival, beer tent, concert stage and much more. 

TC locals dread this time of the summer and most of them go on vacation when the festival is in town. We love everything this festival brings to the TC economy, but during this time, the amount of people in TC tends to quadruple in size and most TC locals are not fans of rowdy crowds. 

Yes.. I did try my hand at being "Cherry Queen" one year.. don't judge me.. 
The Open Space of downtown TC turns into madness during the cherry fest.. fun madness though.. 

Nicknames and P Stones -  I promised you I would explain myself.. so here goes.

Fudgie - a tourist. Northern Michigan is known for its fudge.. and tourists love fudge.

Townie - a local TC resident (those brave enough to live here during the bitter winters..)

Petoskey Stone - a fossil rock found only around Lake Michigan and Lake Heron. They are often found on beaches and are easier to find after it rains.

When polished, the P stones look like this. 

Even the Michigan government provides fudgies with a Michigan glossary.. Learn to speak like a local at:,4615,7-140-54504_50206_54518-184577--,00.html

Honestly, I could go on and on about how awesome TC is in the summer, but I feel as though this blog is already long enough. In the words of Reading Rainbow, "don't take my word for it", go visit TC for yourself!! I promise you will not be disappointed.