Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Application In. Only CCRN to Go.

Turned in my CRNA school application today. It feels good to have that completed, but is also a bit terrifying. I can't help but hope that everything was spelled correctly in my essay and resume and that everything is up to their standards. I suppose none of that matters now since it is out of my hands and into the inbox of the decision-makers, but that doesn't stop my mind from worrying. Now all I have left to do is pass my CCRN certification before I can safely breathe a sigh of relief and say that I have done absolutely everything possible to try to get into the University of Cincinnati CRNA program. Phew! Trying not to get overwhelmed on the home stretch, but this summer is flying by.

Aside from my application, nothing else has changed in my life. Been a bit homesick for my Michigan home lately and have also caught a cold that is draining my energy. Regardless, I need to keep plugging along and checking things off of my "to do" list. I've been trying to pack up my place, bit by bit, in preparation for my August move and am beginning to realize that, even through I threw out a lot of things before moving here 2 years ago, I still own a bunch of crap. It's amazing how many things one person can accumulate. I see many trips to Goodwill in my future..

In other news, yesterday I received the best compliment from a patient's family member in the form of a thank you card. "You made him feel like a person again." It was nice to hear that amongst all the stress and chaos that has been my summer, I have at least done one thing right. Makes me smile.

Anyways, after that choppy, random post, I am off to trivia night to try and have a bit of fun before diving back into studying again tomorrow morning. I think I can.. I think I can.. I think I can..

'Nuff said..


  1. You are focused on your goals, that is a great thing! When is the exam?

    BTW, "at least one thing right"?? Your posts gave no indication of the "wrong" things :)

    1. no "wrong things" per se... just been a rough summer..
