Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 Year Life Plan

So tomorrow is Big Test Day #1 and while yesterday I was full of anxiety and freaking the f' out, today I feel a greater sense of calm. After months of relentless and fastidious math and vocabulary preparation (you see what I did just there? aw yeah, integrating GRE words into my everyday life..) it will all come down to tomorrow. (Yikes.) As stressful as it seems, when you break it down, everything is going to be ok. Best case scenario: I meet the CRNA benchmark score, breathe a sigh of relief on the drive home, then grab drinks with a few friends in celebration. Worst case scenario: I panic and cry throughout the whole exam, don't meet the required benchmarks, and I sign up to take it again. I am really, REALLY hoping for the former scenario, but we shall see. I think I will bring a box of tissues with me just in case.

In other news, I had another AMAZING trip to Michigan. Words cannot express how in love I am with my family and hometown. I have always said that there is no way in hell I would move back to Michigan, but after these past couple weeks, I think I may consider moving back to the mitten in the near future. Although I am proud of all I have been able to accomplish while riding s-o-l-o these past 7 years in Indiana, I think it may be time for me to head back to my roots where I will be surrounded by those who mean the most to me. Perhaps I shall move back to Michigan after my future graduation from CRNA school. Which brings me to my next topic: Dani's new and improved 5 Year Life Plan. (All life plans subject to change with or without the consent of Dani. Must be 18 to enter. Many will enter. Few will win. Void where prohibited.)

Dani's 5 Year Life Plan(s)

Option 1 (the preferred option):

2013- get into CRNA school and move to Cincinnati in July/August-ish.

2014-2015- rock out some intubations/sedation/spinals in school.

2016- find a job somewhere in the US, work, save up some money, and TRAVEL.

2017-2018- work as much as I need to and plan numerous trips around the world.

Option 2 (not as optimal as Option 1, but still not too shabby..)

2013- do not make the cut for school and take organic chemistry so I can apply to more CRNA schools.. then perhaps do some travel nursing to earn money for school

2014- (hopefully) get into a CRNA school somewhere and move there..

2015-2016- rock out some intubations/sedation/spinals in school..

2017- find a job somewhere in the US, work, save up some money, and TRAVEL.

2018- work as much as I need to and plan numerous trips around the world.

As you can see, the main goal of my 5 Year Plan is to travel. I have been on a few spontaneous vacations this year and with every new adventure my desire to see more, do more, explore more, etc.. becomes greater. I believe this is what they call "being bit by the travel bug". Right now life is a little hectic and my travel plans need to be put on hold. But once I am in a better-paying career my future adventures should be a bit easier to achieve, which is very exciting. Until then, I am going to continue to work my booty off to get into school so 5 years down the road I can relax and see the world. Exciting stuff to look forward to!

Future Adventure! Try not to be jealous of my mad photoshopping skills..... 

The view from my parents' deck.. I almost cried when I had to leave.. No where else I would rather be in the summer. Period.  


  1. Was it tissues or drinks last night? I am rooting for the drinks :)
