Saturday, July 21, 2012

You Know You're Getting Old When..

After many failed attempts, I have officially come to the conclusion that I absolutely detest going to the bars for the sake of going out to the bars. There is nothing about this American past time that even remotely does anything for me. Going out with a group of friends, that's different, that is usually a blast. But going out with one or two other ladies to troll the streets for un-dateable alcoholics... not for me. Now, I can have a good time wherever I am placed, but there are times, like last night, where the effort to have a decent time isn't even worth the energy.

As Raleigh and I sat at a table outside of Kilroy's, we assessed the situation that surrounded us: hooker heels and LBDs to our right.. Ed Hardy tees and boat shoes to our left. Raleigh nervously played with the umbrella at our table, "Are we too old for this?" We sat in silence, both fully aware that it was going to be another early night.  I continued to observe the crowd, and their human mating rituals, while seriously pondering why we were even here. Back in the college days, drinking and attempting to seduce the boys of the bar used to be considered a great evening, but now, I am not even sure why I continue to use gas to put myself in these situations. I suppose we were both hoping to run into a group of people that we knew or even make friends with a few new folks, but to be honest, the bar crowd are not typically the type of people I have any desire to approach, let alone converse with. Eventually we ended up seeing some friends and had a better time, however, I think this may be my last bar outing for a while.

Every night I go out it is always the same.. you stay up late, have a drink or two, look around and realize that everyone in the bar is retarded, have another drink in hopes that your situation will start looking less grim, decide to go to another bar, realize that everyone at this bar is equally as retarded, and then head home around midnight telling yourself that "no one good" was out and next time will be better. I guess I am not sure what I even expect to get out of these late night outings since I don't really drink, am not looking to date anyone, and I don't like being surrounded by drunk people who get into your personal space as they stumble by. Although going out occupies some free time, I think I will pass on the bars and instead opt for bowling alleys, the climbing gym, and Starbucks. Although these establishments may be a mecca for underage children, at least they will allow me to have fun, get to bed at a decent hour, and not feel guilty or hungover the next morning. Wow, I really am getting old.

We couldn't fit all of the boat shoes into one picture.. but you get the idea.. 

We met this gem out last week... he promptly told us he was successful (although he couldn't come up with an answer as to what he did for a living), told us to google him, and then showed us pictures of his mom and dad.. and him with 2 out of the 4 world's largest balls of twine.. and him with the world's largest bottle of ketchup.. He definitely deserves an A for the most creative pick up strategy, ever. Props to you, Glen Bradford... I hope someday it works for you.

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