Sunday, June 24, 2012

You Are Awesome. (a tribute..)

(I've been feeling rather philosophical lately.. so I dedicate this little boost to anyone out there who has been going through a rough time)

You are awesome. I know things haven't been going your way lately, but despite all of the "suck", you have managed to persevere and keep going. Not everyone can do what you do and you deserve a pat on the back for all of the hard work that you put into each and every day. Way to go. Way to be an f'ing rock star. You may not get recognized for all that you do, but know that your hard work does NOT go unnoticed. Whether you realize it or not, your positive actions have inspired others and that is pretty darn awesome.

So what if you didn't get that raise, a marriage proposal, or a date with that hottie at Starbucks. It's ok. You're exactly where you need to be right now, so there is absolutely no reason to worry.  Whether you are going through a break-up, mourning the loss of a loved one, or suffering through any other rough event, know that you are stronger than you think you are and you WILL get through this. Believe it or not, you will even find joy again. You are not alone in your struggle. No one leaves this world unscathed and each and every one of us has been through, or is currently going through, our own personal Hell. It is in these struggles that we learn and in these struggles that we realize we are so much stronger than we ever thought we could be. We make mistakes. We are not perfect. None of us were given a "how to" guide, so we're all just kind of winging it. You are one ridiculously strong individual. It's incredible.

Our world today is so focused on criticism that we often forget to express gratitude. You are great at what you do and so many people appreciate you. Don't allow others to bring you down with their words. They are only doing this in an attempt to fill a void in themselves. Do not take what they say personally and do not allow their struggle to bring you down. Like you, these hurtful people are only doing the best that they can. We all are. Appreciate those around you and be grateful for each and every breath that you take. There is a reason you are here. There is a reason you are who you are. And, as tough as it can be to accept, there is a reason for your struggles, pain, and suffering. Try not to get bogged down by everything that appears to be against you and have faith that you are always being guided to where you are supposed to go. Express your gratitude for those around you. Your kind words have the power to completely change someone's day. How cool is it that your single smile or compliment can change someone's crappy day into a much better day? Yeah, you're that amazing.

As far as your struggle goes, you are going to be ok and you will get through this. Why? Because you're freakin' awesome. That's why. In the words of Stuart Smalley, "you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you." So go on wit' yo' bad self and show that big bad world what you've got inside you. Spread your awesomeness to those around you and help out your peers when you can. You already have all of the tools you need to change your view of the world around you. Hold your head up high, smile at those who cut you off during rush hour, and rest assured that where you are at this moment is exactly where you need to be. You're doing a great job. Keep being awesome, you sexy fox, you.

Truth: I am obsessed with awesome quotes pasted upon neat backgrounds.. My apartment and pinterest page are covered with inspirational words... So, yeah.. now you know a lesser known face about moi..
So enjoy these quotes.. or not.. makes no difference to me. 


  1. Now this is a post I would never have associated with you! But then, all I know about you are 10 odd blog posts :)

    Its good to see your softer mature philosopher within you. Very nicely written.

    1. Thank you very much. Every now and then I let my softer side shine through..
