Friday, June 22, 2012

Some whining about the GRE.. and other insignificant updates..

Welp, it's 6:20pm and out of all of the useless things I have accomplished today, studying still has yet to make that list. Studying for the GRE blows. I do not see how any part of this will prove to a school that I would be a kick ass anything, let alone a quality CRNA. I have so many attributes that would better prove that I am a mildly decent human being and not one of them involves finding the possible values for x if x^2-5x+6=0. I just want July 11th to get here so I can sit at a computer for 5 hours and be done with this nonsense. Instead of the GRE, they should test applicants responses to stressful situations, attracting douche bags, and ability to jump from a high place into a deep river. I would like to think that I could easily ace all three categories with grace, poise, and humor. As an added bonus, test results would be much more entertaining than those given from the GRE. But who am I to make the rules. At least when I study for the CCRN (Critical Care Registered Nurse certification - the other test I need to take before applying), I can use the medical knowledge I gain from studying in my everyday work practice. I can almost guarantee that, aside from the GRE and a possible trivia night, I will never need to know the definition of internecine. Regardless, it is what it is so I should probably just quit bitching, study hard, and get over it.

In other news, nothing of great significance in my life has changed. I have found a new apartment and will be moving out sometime around July or August, so that's neat. Honestly, I am really bummed out about it. I am in love with my current place of residence, but Carmel is a lonely place full of young, married couples and a single 5'1" lady truly doesn't need a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom place for just herself. My new place is nice, but very small. I am unsure if my oversized couch will even fit, but I love this lounging couch and will make it work even if the end of it invades the kitchen. Since the majority of my good friends live in the area I am moving to, I think this move will be a positive step for where I am in my life. Maybe I am a little bitter, but being surrounded by happy, married people and their offspring has been bringing my down lately. I am excited to move to a place where I will be in close proximity to other single 20- to 30-somethings who enjoy a good night of drinking, dancing and loud music. Sometimes you need to move backwards in life before you can truly move forward. Adios young families who make me feel like crap and hello to miserable drunk people who will most likely make me feel better about myself! Yay!

I would like to add as a disclaimer that although the paragraph above makes me sound like a bitter single bitch, I really love everything about my life. Married people do not have half of the adventures that my friends and I do and therefore lack great stories of awkward flirting, walks of shame, and general disarray. Plus, I enjoy that fact that I never have to report to anyone about my whereabouts, nor do I have to face their judgement when I do something stupid. Single people, somewhere out there is an equally weird person who will be able to put up with us and all of the chaos that comes with it. Until then, we need to keep each other company, forward march, and laugh at all of the awkwardness that comes with "dating". If I ever get married, I hope I never become a boring person. Becoming part of a boring couple terrifies me more than being eternally single. But that's enough on that..

Anyways, aside from the items mentioned above there isn't much more to update. I just got back from an amazing Michigan vacation with one of my good friends and will be heading back up to Michigan for "summer vacation: take 2" in the near future. It was nice to get away from everything that stresses me out and I am already ready for my second trip to the mitten. I am madly in love with my hometown and cannot wait to jump back into its chilly waters soon. Until then, I guess I will have to settle for getting intimate with my GRE books... Try not to be jealous.

Pretty much what happens as soon as I open those stupid GRE books...

This is for all my single people out there.. Makes me giggle. 

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