Sunday, December 30, 2012

Online Women are Terrifying

So, I created a new blog in an attempt to find my friend Josh a woman (Date My Friend Josh if you are curious) after failed to match him up with anyone. Josh is one of my best friends and he deserves an amazing lady, but I am beginning to see why he is still single. While bored and browsing for potential Josh matches, I have come to the conclusion that women are absolutely terrifying. There are so many intense female personalities out there. I do not know how anyone can successfully find someone special in the chaos of cyberspace. Don't get me wrong, one of my best friends found her now fiance online, so I am aware that it is possible. However, I can see why decent men might be turned off by online dating.

As a woman, I did a few 48-hour stints on online dating websites and I always found it completely overwhelming and quit. So many creepy dudes sending inappropriate messages into my inbox and so few quality men. I guess I never realized how things looked from the man's prospective. That is until, well, I made a profile for a man to try to find him a woman. (Trust me, I realize how creepy that makes me sound...) I mean, some of these online women are freaking insane. So much cleavage... So much desperation.. So much bitterness. Come on ladies, we're better than that! (Ok.. do not read my past blogs... especially the one about my QLC.. since it just goes to show that I am not even better than that!)

I guess I am not even sure what the best way is to meet a decent person anymore. I mean, I met TC guy by chance, randomly at a bar. Before then, I had been to plenty of bars in search of a quality guy and always came up empty-handed. I have so many single, amazing friends out there who are all just waiting to find their person. I wish there were a better answer to offer them other than "just be patient", but unfortunately I think that that truly is the best way to find someone. I like to think that every pot has a lid.. but I suppose it just takes some people a bit longer to find a lid that's a perfect fit. And even when you do find a lid that fits, who knows how long it will stay a solid fit. And now, I am getting sentimental about pots and lids, which is typically a good indication that I should go to bed. Good luck single people out there... and ladies, if you're in the Indianapolis area, you should give my friend Josh a try! He's quite a catch!

Apparently, they could not find anyone awesome enough for Josh... Lame. 

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