Monday, November 19, 2012

15 Random Facts (Part 2)

1. I am constantly wavering between loving everyone or hating everyone.

2. I am terrified of birds and automatic car washes.

3. Pudding skin grosses me out.

4. I love all desserts and could eat key lime pie every day if I needed to.

5. I am addicted to iced tea and prefer to drink it out of large styrofoam cups. (sorry environment..)

6. I hate celebrating my birthday, but love making others feel special on theirs.

7. I cannot stand the element of surprise, which is why insects and things that fly make me jumpy. (jumping spiders are the worst... you never know from which angle they may spring at you..)

8. The passenger door on my car is a slightly different color than the rest of my car. I never noticed this until months after my car door was replaced and repaired..

9. I can still fit into the clothes that I wore in junior high, which causes me to wonder how I ended up with stretch marks on certain parts of my body...

10. In college I made extra money on the side by participating in psychology experiments. One of my most profitable experiments involved me lying in an MRI, playing a "game", and intermittently receiving electric shocks to the tips of my ring and pinky fingers. I probably made around $500 doing this once or twice a week for about an hour each time. I have no idea what they were testing, but at the end I received a CD full of MRI pictures of my brain. Pretty neat.

11. I parallel parked for the first time ever on the same night that I met my current boyfriend.

12. When I was in high school, I was interviewed for an article in People Magazine under the alias Savannah (or some S-name, anyway). My doctor at the time suggested me to the magazine interviewer, so I agreed to share my story and thoughts. No one except my family knows about that.

13. I know all of the lyrics to almost every Blink-182 song. (don't judge me..)

14. I had bright pink hair for almost my entire 9th grade year of school. To this day, it is still my favorite hair color I have ever worn.

15.  I cannot sleep without a fan.

Everyone has an awkward stage.. I will be the first to admit mine was longer than most.. 

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