Friday, October 26, 2012

Nothing I Expected, But Everything I Need

So much has happened since my last post. It's ridiculous. Literally, the day after that post, I landed a job in Billings, Montana. Ok... not exactly the tropical paradise I had been hoping for, but it's better than nothing! Yesterday it was 80 degrees in my hometown and 25 and snowing here in Billings. Brrr. So much for that swimsuit binge I went on before leaving Indy.. Won't be needing those here! After a week of orientation, my first day on the unit will be tomorrow. Hoping for the best and determined to enjoy my 3-month stint here.

As far as my CRNA adventure goes, I had my interview and did not get into their program. Whomp.. Whomp. I have mixed feelings about this. Of course, I am a bit disappointed since I worked very hard to get in, however, I also realize that this has now opened me up to other opportunities. For instance, once I take organic chemistry (hopefully this spring or summer), I will then be able to apply to Michigan CRNA schools. Michigan school equals in-state tuition and being close to my family and (wait for it...) TC guy. So although not getting in was not exactly the result I was hoping for, I am not devastated by it either.

TC guy is pretty darn amazing and we are determined to make things work through these next 3 months. I cannot even begin to express how ridiculously smitten I am and I am fairly certain he feels the same. That being said, after this assignment I plan to move back to my hometown, get a job there, and see where things go with Mister Mister. Yes, Miss Picky has finally found someone who she cannot get enough of. Weiiiiirrrddd. He makes me ridiculously happy and I cannot wait to be back in the mitten and see him again. (Feel free to vomit... I know this paragraph was a bit gooshy.)

So there you have it. No CRNA school for 2013. Working in Montana for the next 3 months. Head over heels for someone 1400 miles away. That pretty much sums it up.

Also, I would like to apologize for all of my boring and blah posts from the past few months. After re-reading them I realized that they are not the most positive posts. Typically, I am not that negative of a person, but hey, everyone is allowed to have a few rough patches, right? Forgive me few avid readers that I have... I promise to provide many more exciting posts in the future. I already have a few themed posts in the works about dating and opposite-sex friendships.. so stay tuned!

Chilly Billings... Steep Cliff.. Pretty View..


  1. Side Note: The CRNA program interviewed around 75 people and took 20.. So the odds were not in my favor anyways..

  2. From FL to MT! Nice :)

    The way things are going, you will be announcing your wedding in your next post!!

    And your enthusiasm is infectious! Makes a positive influence on people who come in contact with you (and your posts) :)

    Looking forward to the next one!

  3. "I cannot even begin to express how ridiculously smitten I am and I am fairly certain he feels the same."

    I know for a fact that he does. Mister Mister is a very lucky guy.
