Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nobody Likes February.

Have you ever heard of the saying, "when it rains, it pours?" Well, that's basically how my past few weeks have been. February, you can suck it. Even though you are the month of my birthday, you always seem to be the WORST month ever. Which is probably why they only gave you 28 days. That being said, I am going to try to make these next few days a little less miserable by filling them with things that make me happy. 

For starters, I am not working again until Monday, so I am beginning to feel the dark clouds lifting already. Aside from doing my dishes (I swear they multiply while I am away..), I hope to make my days off as enjoyable as possible. So far, my plans include a low-key birthday dinner, rock climbing, and going to the shooting range. I have never been shooting before, but I feel as though it will be the perfect way to get out a bit of anger. If it is anything like my game of darts, those around me should probably wear a full-body bulletproof vest and a helmet. But who knows, maybe I will surprise myself. I wonder if they will allow me to post photos on the target that you shoot at? .........

I hate being a bitter, mopey person and my "February funk" needs to come to an end.  I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so I am going to try and "embrace the suck" and move on. All the things that I used to love about Indy don't really exist anymore and this only solidifies my decision to pull up my anchor and set sail to somewhere warmer. Somewhere with an actual lake or ocean... Sorry Indiana, but when you've grown up on Lake Michigan, "reservoirs" are not impressive. I need to feel the sand in my toes and the sun on my face. Thank you shitty February for making my travel nursing decision for me. See, you really can find good in any chaotic situation. 

Insert photos of things and people who piss you off here... so cathartic.. however, I may need a larger target. 

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