Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Admission Mission: COMPLETE.

The Super Bowl has come and gone and life in Indy has returned to normal. Although I did not get to join in as many festivities as I would have liked (aka - the zipline was sold out... BOO.), I am very proud to say that I accomplished my main goal of the event: I got into a party where the cover charge was $2,000.... and I got in for FREE. What happened after that is completely uneventful and not even worth writing about, but the main point is that I got in. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Other than the party admission, things have pretty much remained status quo. I am still debating travel nursing and I am still not a winter person. (Nor will I ever be.) Guess, that's it really. My life is rather uneventful at the moment... except for the fact that I am the worst parker in the world and my car is now missing a hefty chunk of paint and metal... but unfortunately, this kind of falls under that "status quo" column.. (Sometimes, I seriously wonder how I still have a license to drive......) 

Raleigh and I mildly enjoying the Maxim party... 

** Many thanks to the people who turned my party admission mission into a reality! I owe you. ** 


  1. Hi there - stumbled across your blog and stopped by to say hello :)

    Hopefully you have now figured out what the word blog means :)

    Do keep writing, and good luck on your 2012 goals!

    1. Thanks for reading! I really appreciate the support.

      I have since been informed as to what "blog" means, however, I have not yet been able to think of a better title.. =)
