Monday, February 25, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Since it has been so long since I have posted, allow me to fill you in on what you have missed. Here is the Cliffnotes version:

- Paul (TC guy) flew in to save me from Montana and we had an awesome road trip back to the mitten (with a detour in Wisconsin for his business trip [mmm... cheese curds..]).. Bubby (my fish) also attended the road trip and survived.

- I got a job at the only local hospital where I just started to work in their ICU about 2 weeks ago

- Found out on Day 1 in the ICU that this hospital does not have body bags... so you have to wrap patients up in sheets like a burrito before sending them to the morgue.. weird.

-  I feel like a child of divorce.. most of my things are at my parents' house.. but I also spend a lot of time at Paul's... I never seem to have what I need when I need it.. and I don't really have my own "safe space"..  This continues to be an area of frustration... I miss having all of my things conveniently available and displayed.. *Le Sigh*

- Paul and I become DIY-ers and take on the task of re-doing his kitchen.. so far, so good...

- Don't worry, they said... You won't notice a difference between 4WD and 2WD, they said.... B-freakin-S. I have gotten my car stuck a hand full of times and haven't been able to get up some hills... Northern Michigan winters are cruel..

- Been pole dancing again.. Definitely should not have taken 3 months off.. but it feels good to get back into it...

- I turned 26.. and for my birthday Paul is taking me skydiving this summer. Best. Gift. Ever.

- I am STILL trying to get up the energy to fill out my CRNA application for MSU that is due on March 15th. Get it together, Dani.. You can do this...

- I still hate the winter and I still think that February is the worst month, ever.

So there you have it... My life as of late has been nothing short of chaotically boring. I am trying to find my place here in the mitten and am impatiently awaiting summertime.

Kitchen Before

Kitchen After (still need to change countertops and paint walls)

Not my most flattering pole pic.. but the only pole pic that I have.. 

They actually make this. 'Nuff said. 


  1. You are still here in blogsphere :)

    Good luck on the skydiving adventure and wishing you a rocking 26th! Happy Birthday.
