Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year. Fresh New Post.

Ah, the first post of the new year. 2013. A fresh start. A tabula rasa. I have a good feeling about this year. Typically, I do not have good luck with celebrating New Year's Eve, but this year was different. I celebrated this year with 3 fabulous new friends and had an amazing time. We ate steak, played drinking games, and partook in karaoke. A fabulous night by all accounts. A brief glimpse into my NYEs past will show why having a decent NYE is such a big deal to me.

NYE 2012: Sat at a bar with one of my besties... drank far too much champagne.. and the boy I had started seeing a few weeks prior did not want to drive 20 minutes to come spend the holiday with me. It bummed me out, but that was enough for me to end that potential relationship. If you truly like someone, 20 minutes is not that far. Period. (Later on that year, during the final game of the NCAA tournament, he confessed to me how much he didn't like me, how he was still in love with this other woman, and that this woman was the reason he did not spend NYE with me. Yeah.. he really knows how to sweep a woman off her feet......)

NYE 2011: Recently broke off a serious relationship a few weeks prior and went to the bar with a friend to try and have a good time. "Um, Dani... don't look now, but Ex (name withheld) is sitting in the corner of the bar..... with a girl." Fabulous. That was the first night that I got a glimpse of the face of the woman Ex had been screwing while dating me. Ouch.

NYE 2010: Fought with my family and with my boyfriend at the time (AKA- Ex). Car broke down a few days later and I was left without transportation for a while. Crappy.

NYE 2009: My shit-head of an ER boyfriend got wasted and passed out with his TV blaring loudly. I could not figure out how to turn off his TV for the life of me and could not even begin to fall asleep. Then his EMT beeper kept going off and would not stop. I shook him and kicked him, but he did not budge. Finally, after minutes of harassment, he awoke to say, "Shut the fuck up, Jackie. Stop being a bitch." That was the end of that relationship.

NYE 2008: I moved to Indianapolis from Bloomington and had no friends. Spent NYE with my cat.

So, as you can see, I have not always had the best of times bringing in the new year. I do not want any pity, as I actually find these stories quite hilarious. I have a history of dating losers and my NYE history just serves to prove that fact. Although I did not get to spend this NYE with the man I have come to greatly adore, I am beyond excited to get to share the rest of 2013 with him. Only 17 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes, and 2 seconds until his plane lands in Billings. (But who's counting....)

Also, I may have found a potential date for my friend Josh (from previous post). Matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match.....

Resolution for 2013: Eat healthier. Complain less. Love life more.


  1. both 2012 and 2011 were spent with me....happy you have some new friends there! 2013 was spent sick on my couch :(

    1. Hannah, you were my favorite part of NYE 2011 and 2012. You're the one who kept my sane throughout all of the chaos! I miss you like crazy. Hope you get to feeling better soon. I am thinking about possibly coming back to Indy in February. We definitely need a Petite Chou date. xoxo.

  2. Happy New Year Dani!

    And hope you are feeling better now, Hannah.
