Monday, April 23, 2012

New Direction: CRNA

I am excited! Why? Because I think I have finally figured out what I want to do with my life. After months of agony and discontentment surrounding my current professional life, I am finally feeling a bit of clarity. I am going to go back to school to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA).

I have always known that I wanted to do more than bedside nursing, but didn't know what. I thought about medical school, but felt like that would be a step backwards and possibly more work than it is worth at this point in my life. I also thought about becoming a Nurse Practitioner (NP), but when I went to apply for the Acute Care NP program, found out the program had been dropped at my old nursing school. Nothing seemed to be working out for me and after much struggle and internal "what the hell do I want to do with my life" debate, I retired my stress and decided to try travel nursing in the fall.

As much as I thought I would enjoy travel nursing, I just couldn't commit to it. (As I'm sure you may have noticed from a few of my previous posts...) While at a bike and beer get together a few weekends ago, I discussed my thoughts of travel nursing with a stranger. He mentioned how travel nursing sounded like a lateral move and, although drunk, these words stuck with me and made me think. I know that I do not want to do bedside nursing forever, so aside from experience and money, where would travel nursing really get me? The "go back to school" seed was once again planted, but, at this point, I still had no idea what I wanted to do.

The following week I had to run a CVVH filter for a patient in the OR, as we often do for certain cases. At the head of the table, I watched the tasks the anesthesiologists performed and talked with them about their job. I noticed many similarities between their work and certain tasks performed by ICU nurses. This intrigued me. I had never really given much thought to becoming a CRNA, however, while standing in the OR, a lightbulb came on. Hmm.. I like what they have going on here... I think I would really enjoy this.. (Side Note: CRNAs are NOT equivalent to anesthesiologists, but I will spare you those details..) After my shift ended, I went home, did a little research, and was sold. I am going back to school and I am going to become a CRNA. Period.

You have no idea how relieved I am to finally have a clear idea of my next life adventure. There are a few little pre-recs I need to nail out this summer before I apply, but hopefully I will find myself in a program in either 2013 or 2014. At least, I now have a goal and a direction to aim for, which is a very good thing.

Job Perk: no bad hair days.. as long as your eyes are stunning, you're looking fabulous.. 


  1. Good for you Dani! All the very best. Guess the magic 8-ball does work, in mysterious ways :)

    1. haha i guess you're right.. i like to think life has a funny way of helping you out.. =)
