Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Post (how exciting..)

Thank you for taking the time to pull your eyes away from your pinterest and facebook account and view my brand spankin' new blog. I have no idea what this blog will become and what I will be posting, but you're here now.. so welcome.

I have been writing in journals (both paper and online), almost daily, since the age of 11, but have never made anything I write public until now. If my raw, unadulterated daily ramblings were able to be viewed by the general public, I am fairly certain I would have no friends and my sanity would be strongly questioned.  That being said,  this blog will probably become a more "PC" and watered down version of what I typically rant about on the daily. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. And I make no promises as to how "good" this blog may be.. so there's my disclaimer. Enjoy!

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