Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bad Summer for Blogging

Well this blog has gone to the wayside as this summer has been full to the brim with work, activities, and new adventures. I plan to start writing regularly again soon. There are so many stories floating around in my head and I wish I had enough to time get them all down on paper (err computer screen?).

As far as updates go, it has been more of the same, except now we have the addition of a new fuzzy life. A little over a month ago Paul and I picked up our fur-baby and life has not been the same since she entered our world. Fudge is a very sweet girl and I cannot believe how much she has grown already! So much energy and so much joy. Don't get me wrong, she definitely has her share of naughty girl moments, but for the most part we have been very blessed. She picked up potty training like a champ (she still has a few accidents at other people's houses..) and she has always been great at sleeping through the night. She loves kids and meeting new people and she is doing well walking on a leash. Perhaps her best trait is that personality-wise, she is quite the honey badger. Fudge doesn't seem to care about anything that is done to her or goes on around her. Vaccinations? No problem. You want to play with my face, paws, and body? Go right ahead. The sound of loud gun shots? Doesn't phase me. She is such a great pooch and we are ridiculously in love with her.

I hope to get a few more "real" blog entries in and fewer "updates" as soon as life allows it. So sad that it's September already. I am not ready to face the ruthless Northern Michigan winters... Not one bit.

8 weeks old

12 weeks old

Such a sweet girl. Loves to dig. (8 weeks)

Boat dog! (9 or 10 weeks)

Paul's nephew feeding her dinner kibble by kibble So spoiled! (9 weeks)

So leggy and long at 12 weeks

Love my pretty girl. 

Oh and ps. I did not die skydiving. It was the most fun I think I have ever had. After we hit the ground I was ready to jump again. These guys get to do this every day! I think I need a new job.... 

Paul and I getting ready to board that tiny plane..

The view.. 
I could not stop smiling!! I was so happy!! 

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