Thursday, July 25, 2013

Updates: The Cliffnotes Version.

What a long and exhausting last couple of months. So much has happened and there has been very little time for blogging. Paul went to China for about a week and a half and has since returned. He brought me back some amazing pearls and I cannot wait to have an occasion to wear them! I have started to cross-train in the ER to help broaden my resume. And my sister is now married! Her wedding was perfect and it was so great getting to see my whole family.  And last by not least, Paul and I are expecting........ a puppy!! Cannot wait to bring our little fudgecicle home on August 9th. It's been a busy summer already and I am sure it will only get busier with the addition of our pup. If you never hear from me again assume that I have died in a freak skydiving accident. Paul and I are jumping out of a plane on Wednesday and I could not be more excited!! I think he is a tad terrified though.. He has a little fear of heights. Anyways, that's about all I have time to write for now.

The night before the wedding.. 

Sissy and her new husband

Being goofy with the best man - exiting the ceremony

Supporting my sis

Awkward prom photo with my love

MOH, Bride, and Bridesmaid


Fudge playing with a sibling

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