Sunday, April 6, 2014

15 Realizations That I Am Getting Old..

1. The majority of my friends have children and/or are expecting

Not my actual friends, but they could be.. 

2. When typing number 1, I almost wrote "our friends"

Mi amor!

3. Nickelback has been sounding like decent music for the past year or so..

No caption needed.

4. When once I would browse the latest Cosmo or People Magazine while waiting in the check-out lane, I now find myself gravitating towards Better Homes and Gardens


5. It has been almost 10 years since I graduated high school 

So many big dreams.. 

6. Once the clock strikes 10pm, it is far too late to consider going out (and I can't even tell you the last time I actually went out..)

This feels right.. 

7. Drunk people annoy me now more than ever

Is there any hope for the future of America?

8. My 401K has become important

My precious..

9.  90% of the time, I cannot stand listening to any of the crap on the radio

Make it stop.

10. I am older than everyone who played in the NCAA tournament and have been for the past few years 

Babies.. (so sad they didn't make the tourny this year..)

11. I worry about the world our children are going to grow up in.. texting, "likes", and "followers" are NOT a substitute for face-to-face talks and real friends.. 

Where are his parents?! *vomit*

12. I find selfies to be extremely narcissistic. 

Look at me! Look at me!

13. I reminisce about "the good old days" and the great times I had growing up

Always wanted a pair of these.. Never got um..

14. I pay a mortgage and not rent and spend money and time on home repair

In college I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity
It's been helpful in my adult life.. 

15. There is a high likelihood that I will become the mom to an actual human-being within the next few years.... Lord help me, I can't even keep a cactus alive.. 

Be very afraid..

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the #1 realizaion: you putting this list together :)

    This is life. All the more important to make the most of every day we wake up!
