Tuesday, April 17, 2012

15 Random Facts

I lieu of an actual post.. I give you this.. 

The veins on my right foot form a star

I have played flute since 4th grade

My first kiss was in a gazebo on a golf course in Arizona to a stranger whose name I don't remember.. (classy.)

Feeling felt fabric makes me nauseous

I have donated part of my boob to breast cancer research

I made it to the finals in a fishing pole casting contest when I was about 6 years old

I have written in a journal almost every day since December 25, 1997 (and most of it I can't even bring myself to re-read...)

I still remember lying on the OR table when I had to get my adenoids removed and hearing the doctor ask me to count to 5.. I was 3 years old.

I am a perfectionist and am still working on trying to accept my work as "good enough".. (this blog being one of those things...)

I hate peas.

My greatest fears are losing a loved one and/or never finding my "person" (whatever that even means..)

Seriously, I want to meet everyone in the world.. People are ridiculously fascinating.

I cannot parallel park.. and I failed my first drivers test because of this.

One of my favorite compliments came from a co-worker who said, "I like you, Dani. Everyone knows where they stand with you."

Although I truly believe the events of our past help shape who we are today, you could not pay me enough to relive certain times in my life.


  1. Interesting facts. You too are ridiculously fascinating :) BTW no tacky picture at the end of the post?

    1. haha no... no tacky picture this time... although it has sort of been my trademark..
