Saturday, May 4, 2013

Insignificant Updates

For the first time since starting this blog, I have failed to produce at least one post a month. Sorry, April, it's nothing personal. Although, your constant surprise snow showers certainly did not make me any more fond of you..

Things have been going well and we are finally beginning to have days of nice 70 degree weather here in Northern Michigan. Small victories. My job is a job, but the people I work with are great, so that is a nice bonus. And things with Paul continue to constantly exceed my expectations. He is just absolutely amazing. I could write for hours about how ridiculously awesome he is, but I'll save you the time and you can just take my word for it. It's funny to me how one simple decision to go to a bar with my sister could result in bringing me this much happiness. Life is funny like that.

Don't really have much else to update. Paul and I have been doing quite a bit of home repair on his place and are planning to schedule our skydiving trip for some time this summer. I have another exciting piece of information, but I will share that with you at a later date.. I don't want to jinx anything.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully April is not the new norm :) Glad to see your new post and about the good things that are coming your way!
